Saturday 17 December 2016

Thinkforex Democratic Convention

A Plataforma Democrática O Partido Democrático quer que cada democrata tenha voz no nosso processo de Plataforma. Este processo de plataforma de anos é o mais representativo e inclusivo na história. Realizamos uma série de eventos em todo o país e milhares de pessoas subimited vídeo e depoimentos escritos on-line. Para ler a Plataforma do Partido 2016 clique aqui. O Comitê da Plataforma Democrática se reuniu em Orlando, nos dias 8 e 9 de julho, para aprovar o rascunho final da plataforma. Os fóruns foram realizados nas seguintes regiões: Mid-Atlantic Washington, DC em 8 e 9 de junho (fórum com testemunho) Sudoeste de Phoenix, AZ nos dias 17 e 18 de junho (fórum com depoimento) Midwest St. Louis, MO, 24 e 25 de junho Reunião de comitê de desenho) Orlando Sudeste, FL em 8 e 9 de julho (reunião de comitê de plataforma) Obrigado a todos que participaram. Nós, o povo Eu não posso pensar em um pano de fundo melhor para mostrar nossos valores Partys do que aqui no berço da democracia americana. - Rev. Leah D. Daughtry, CEO 2016 Plataforma Democrática Pago pelo Comitê Nacional da Convenção Democrática 2016 1900 Market Street, Filadélfia, Pensilvânia 19103. Não autorizado por qualquer candidato ou comitê de candidatos. Copyright 2016 DNCC Convenção Democrática 2016 - atualizações ao vivo 27 de julho de 2016 - Dia 4 11:27 p. m. ET Hillary Clinton terminou seu discurso aceitando a indicação democrata. Na última metade de seu discurso, ela continuou a pummel Donald Trumps fitness para ser comandante-em-chefe. Imagine-o no escritório oval enfrentando uma crise real. Um homem que você pode isca com um tweet não é um homem com quem possamos confiar com armas nucleares, disse ela. Discutiu que shes não está funcionando para o presidente para revogar a segunda emenda e fazer exame de americanos maneira das armas. Eu só não quero que você seja baleado por alguém que não deveria ter uma arma em primeiro lugar, ela disse. Estou aqui para te dizer hoje à noite - o progresso é possível. Eu sei porque eu vi isso nas vidas das pessoas em toda a América que se derrubou e obter de volta. E eu sei disso por minha própria vida. Mais do que algumas vezes, eu tive que me pegar e voltar ao jogo, disse Clinton. Clinton disse, começa um novo capítulo na noite de quinta-feira. Sim, o mundo está observando o que fazemos. Sim, o destino das Américas é nosso para escolher. Então vamos ser mais fortes juntos. 11:09 p. m. ET Hillary Clinton continuou seu discurso argumentando que Wall Street nunca pode ser permitido a destruir Main Street novamente. Ela disse que acredita na ciência acredita que os EUA têm milhões de imigrantes trabalhando contribuindo para a nossa economia e seria auto-destrutivo e desumano para expulsá-los. Clinton disse que lutaria para nomear juízes da Suprema Corte, que receberão dinheiro da política e ampliarão os direitos de voto. Ela disse que iria lutar por estudantes que enfrentam a dívida skyrocketing e lutar para tornar acessível a faculdade. A candidata presidencial democrata Hillary Clinton chega para aceitar a nomeação na quarta e última noite na Convenção Nacional Democrata em Filadélfia, Pensilvânia, EUA. 28 de julho de 2016. REUTERS / Mike Segar Fechar Se você acredita que o salário mínimo deve ser um salário digno. E ninguém trabalhando em tempo integral deve ter que criar seus filhos na pobreza. Junte-se a nós, ela disse. Se você acredita que todo homem, mulher e criança na América tem o direito a cuidados de saúde acessíveis. Junte-se a nós. Trump, Clinton disse, que ele falou por 70 minutos em seu discurso de nomeação na semana passada e ofereceu zero soluções. Não admira que ele não goste de falar sobre seus planos. Você pode ter notado, eu adoro falar sobre o meu, ela disse. Clinton disse que, como presidente, seu governo ajudaria os americanos a equilibrar a família e o trabalho e disse que se lutar por cuidar de crianças a preços acessíveis e deixar a família paga está jogando o cartão de mulher, então me lidar em 10:46 pm ET Hillary Clinton aceita formalmente a nomeação democrata para Presidente dos Estados Unidos. E assim é com humildade. determinação. E confiança ilimitada nas Américas prometem. Que eu aceito sua nomeação para presidente dos Estados Unidos Clinton declarou. A candidata presidencial democrata Hillary Clinton entrega seu discurso de aceitação na quarta e última noite na Convenção Democrática Nacional em Filadélfia, Pensilvânia, EUA, 28 de julho de 2016. REUTERS / Jim Young Close (Veja abaixo o início de seu discurso) Um marco em nossas nações marchar para uma união mais perfeita: a primeira vez que um grande partido nomeou uma mulher para presidente. De pé aqui como minha filha mães, e minha mãe filhas, estou tão feliz este dia chegou, disse Clinton. 10:31 p. m. ET Hillary Clinton tomou o palco. Ela começou agradecendo a pessoas como o presidente Obama e vice-presidente Joe Biden por seu serviço liderando o país nos últimos oito anos. Ela também agradeceu seu ex-rival Bernie Sanders, que, segundo ela, inspirou milhões de americanos e colocou a justiça econômica e social na frente e no centro. Ela também estendeu a mão para seus apoiantes. E a todos os seus apoiantes aqui e em todo o país: Eu quero que você saiba, eu ouvi você. Sua causa é a nossa causa, ela disse. A candidata presidencial democrata Hillary Clinton dá um thumbs up como ela chega a aceitar a nomeação na quarta e última noite na Convenção Nacional Democrata em Filadélfia, Pensilvânia, EUA 28 de julho de 2016. REUTERS / Lucy Nicholson Fechar Clinton atacou Trump, que ela disse Na semana passada deixou claro que ele quer nos dividir do resto do mundo e uns dos outros. Ele está apostando que os perigos do mundo de hoje nos cegarão a sua promessa ilimitada. Ele levou o Partido Republicano um longo caminho. Desde Morning in America até Midnight in America, disse ela. Ela prometeu não construir um muro como Trump propôs como candidato presidencial do Partido Republicano. Em vez disso, vamos construir uma economia onde todos que querem um bom trabalho pagador pode obter um. E bem construir um caminho para a cidadania para milhões de imigrantes que já estão contribuindo para a nossa economia Não vamos proibir uma religião. Vamos trabalhar com todos os americanos e nossos aliados para lutar e derrotar o terrorismo, disse ela. Clinton reconheceu desigualdade e pouca mobilidade social que existe em todo o país, bem como paralisia em Washington e ameaças no país e no exterior. Ela criticou Donald Trump por afirmar que sozinho ele pode resolver os problemas do país e disse que milhões de americanos lutam para resolver seus problemas juntos. 10:16 p. m. ET Morgan Freeman é o narrador de um vídeo biográfico que areja na convenção agora, que foi dirigido por ABC Shonda Rhimes. O presidente Obama e um dos amigos da vida de Clintons estão entre as pessoas que foram entrevistadas para o curta-metragem. 10:08 p. m. ET Chelsea Clinton está apresentando sua mãe, Hillary Clinton, que ela chamou a minha mãe maravilhosa, pensativo, hilariante e ela compartilhou algumas anedotas pessoais. Minha memória mais antiga é a minha mãe me pegar depois que eu tinha caído e me lendo Boa Noite Lua, ela disse. Independentemente do que estava acontecendo em sua vida, ela estava sempre lá para mim. Hillary Clinton (HillaryClinton) 29 de julho de 2016 Chelsea Clinton disse que sua mãe deixaria notas para ela em uma gaveta especial para abrir todos os dias e ela iria compartilhar muitas de suas histórias de viagens no exterior. Eram mais um lembrete de que eu estava sempre em seus pensamentos e em seu coração, ela disse. Esse sentimento de ser valorizado e amado - é o que minha mãe quer para cada criança. É o chamado de sua vida. Em novembro, estou votando por uma mulher que é o meu modelo que é a minha mãe, disse ela, acrescentando que Hillary Clinton é uma defensora e uma mulher que passou toda sua vida lutando por famílias e por crianças, lutando como um progressista para proteger contra o clima Mudança e comunidades da violência armada e para a reforma da justiça criminal. Estou votando por um lutador que nunca, nunca desiste. Discurso Completo: Chelsea Clinton se dirige ao DNC 9:55 p. m. ET Cantora Katy Perry disse que ela tem estado na estrada com Hillary Clinton desde as cúpulas de Iowa no início de fevereiro. Ela primeiro cantou uma música que parecia irreconhecível para muitos e, em seguida, ela quebrou em seu sucesso, Roar. 9:51 p. m. ET Representante Xavier Becerra, D-Califórnia, disse quinta-feira que Hillary Clinton caminha com a gente. Hillary Clinton anda connosco. Então, agora, a questão é: vamos caminhar com ela? Vamos lutar por uma nação onde o amor supera o ódio? Vamos construir uma América que seja mais forte juntos? Então, juntos, vamos eleger o próximo presidente dos Estados Unidos , Hillary Clinton 9:37 pm ET Senador Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, disse quinta-feira que Hillary Clinton tem um plano real para dar aos trabalhadores americanos uma chance. Ela é uma progressista que faz as coisas acontecerem, disse Brown, que era considerado um possível vice-candidato presidencial para Clinton. Ele atacou Donald Trump e sugeriu que ele é um hipócrita. O chapéu de Donald Trumps pode ser carimbado com Make America Great Again, mas seus laços são estampados com Made in China, ele disse. Trump diz que quer dirigir nosso país como um de seus negócios. Acho que isso significa que ele quer dar um tapa nele, fazer falsas promessas e depois roubar pessoas inocentes de suas economias. 9:30 p. m. ET O general de quatro estrelas aposentado John Allen deu um discurso estimulante em apoio a Hillary Clinton como veteranos das guerras no Iraque e Afeganistão atrás dele. Esta é a eleição mais consequente. As apostas são enormes, disse Allen, que serviu como comandante dos EUA no Afeganistão e serviu como o enviado dos EUA à coalizão que luta contra o Estado Islâmico no Iraque e na Síria (ISIS). Não devemos, e não poderíamos, ficar de fora. Esta eleição pode levar-nos a um lugar de unidade e esperança ou para um lugar escuro de discórdia e medo. Devemos escolher a esperança, disse ele. Os delegados começaram a cantar U-S-A e Allen começou a cantar junto com eles. Allen, que serviu no governo Obama com Clinton, disse que, como comandante-em-chefe, nossas relações internacionais não serão reduzidas a uma transação comercial. Para os nossos inimigos, vamos persegui-lo como só a América pode. Você terá medo de nós. Para ISIS e outros, vamos derrotá-lo, ele disse. 9:17 p. m. ET Os pais de um soldado muçulmano americano que morreu estão se dirigindo à convenção e se dirigiram diretamente a Donald Trump. Deixe-me perguntar: Você já leu a Constituição dos Estados Unidos que o pai perguntou enquanto tirava sua única cópia do documento. Neste documento, procure as palavras liberdade e igual proteção da lei. Você não sacrificou nada, ele acrescentou. O pai advertiu os muçulmanos para não tomar esta eleição levemente. 9:09 p. m. ET O jogador aposentado NBA Kareem Abdul-Jabber, um americano muçulmano, disse que a chamada de Donald Trumps para obstruir muçulmanos dos E. U.A. é a própria tirania Thomas Jefferson abhorred. Discriminação é o resultado do medo, disse ele. Ele também se apresentou como Michael Jordan porque ele Donald Trump não seria capaz de dizer a diferença. 8:37 p. m. ET Presidente Ronald Reagans discursante Doug Elmets abordou a convenção e disse que ele iria votar em Hillary Clinton. Ao contrário de muitos de vocês, eu sou um republicano, disse Elmets, que disse que conhecia Reagan. Eu trabalhei na Casa Branca do Presidente Reagans. Donald Trump, vocę năo é Ronald Reagan. Elmets disse que votaria a favor de um democrata pela primeira vez em sua vida este ano para Clinton. A ex-governadora do Michigan, Jennifer Granholm, disse que se descreve como uma feroz democrata, como muitos dos delegados no plenário da convenção. Mas eu sei, eu sei, que há democratas e republicanos em todo o país que querem criar empregos em toda a América. Não estamos sozinhos nisso. Estávamos todos juntos nisso, disse ela. Um candidato recebe isso. E um candidato como Joe Biden disse na noite passada, não tem idéia. Ela então começou a tentar personificações para zombar de Donald Trump. Donald, Donald, você é tão vã. Você provavelmente pensa que este discurso é sobre você, não você, ela disse. Heres o que eu sei agora, nós temos que parar Donald Trump. 8:06 p. m. ET O governador do Colorado, John Hickenlooper, que Clinton considerou como possível vice-candidato presidencial, está discutindo a convenção. A verdadeira marca de um empresário de sucesso não é que você seja demitido, mas você está contratado, ele disse. Hickenlooper disse para colocar Pokemon Go por um segundo e se inscrever no site Hillary Clintons. Todos nós temos um trabalho a fazer - eleger Hillary Clinton. Então vamos para o trabalho, ele disse. 7:33 pm O governador de Nova York, Andrew Cuomo, questionou o lema de Donald Trumps para fazer a América novamente e voltar aos bons tempos. Quero saber com que bons dias eles querem nos levar de volta, disse Cuomo, que primeiro se lembrou de seu pai, o ex-governador de Nova York, Mario Cuomo, que se dirigiu à Convenção Nacional Democrata de 1984. Ele perguntou se isso significa que eles querem voltar aos dias antes da Lei de Direitos Civis ou leis de proteção ao trabalhador ou antes de Roe v. Wade. É um número pequeno: menos de um em cada dez eleitores nos estados do campo de batalha dizem que eles estão verdadeiramente indecisos, na medida em que nem escolhem um candidato em uma enquete, escreveu Salvanto. As senadoras do sexo feminino dão seu testemunho pessoal e profissional em apoio a Clinton, incluindo a senadora Elizabeth Warren, a senadora Barbara Mikulski, a senadora Barbara Boxer ea senadora Claire McCaskill. De acordo com aqueles familiarizados com o discurso de Clintons, o candidato democrata presuntivo vai se concentrar em uma mensagem de inclusão para todos os americanos, e não apenas apoiantes do núcleo. Clinton deve enfatizar os valores e desafios comuns que os americanos compartilham. O ex-secretário de Estado vai enquadrar esta eleição como um momento de contabilidade, fazendo o caso de que os eleitores não devem deixar a nação ser despedaçada. O veterano do combate e repórter de Illinois Tammy Duckworth, que está funcionando para um assento de Senado dos E. U.A., teve algumas palavras duras para Donald Trump em suas observações à convenção nacional Democrática. Eu não lutei pela democracia americana para que você possa convidar a Rússia a interferir com ela, disse Duckworth, referindo-se a Trumps recentes comentários convidando um hack russo de Hillary Clintons e-mails. Como Hillary Clinton se prepara para aceitar a nomeação democrata em Filadélfia hoje à noite, uma nova pesquisa encontra sua liderança Donald Trump na Pensilvânia por 9 pontos. A pesquisa da universidade de Suffolk mostra Clinton com 50 por cento de apoio e Trump em 41 por cento entre eleitores prováveis ​​no estado de Keystone. Sarah McBride fez história na Filadélfia na quinta-feira, tornando-se a primeira pessoa abertamente transgênero a falar em uma das principais convenções nacionais. McBride, um porta-voz para a campanha dos direitos humanos, chamou para uma nação onde todos tenha a liberdade viver abertamente e ingualmente. Como o delegado mais velho da Filadélfia. 93-year-old Ruby Gilliam assistiu história. Em sua oitava convenção democrata consecutiva, o Ohioan de longa data diz CBS News sua coisa favorita sobre convenções é apenas fazer parte dela e fazer história. - Emily Schultheis O Seattle Times pediu desculpas aos seus leitores por sua foto de destaque na quarta-feira, que mostrou o presidente Bill Clinton na noite em que Hillary Clinton se tornou o candidato democrata. Heres a primeira página, arquivado pelo Newseum: Qua. O jornal pediu desculpas por ter perdido a marca, reconhecendo que não incluiu uma fotografia de Hillary Clinton, a primeira mulher a liderar um bilhete de partido maior, em vez de colocar o foco visual sobre o ex-presidente Bill Clinton , Que fez um apaixonado caso para sua eleição como o próximo presidente. Ele passou a dizer, Em retrospectiva, nós nos concentramos muito no momento vivo e não o suficiente sobre a história sendo feita. O Seattle Times não foi o único papel a liderar com a notícia de Hillary Clinton indicação e par com uma grande foto de Bill Clinton. O Chicago Tribune eo Washington Post também estavam entre os jornais que publicaram pareados semelhantes. Resposta de Kremlins aos EUA: Resolva seus próprios problemas de e-mail. Os americanos precisam chegar ao fundo do que esses e-mails são eles mesmos e descobrir o que é tudo sobre, porta-voz do Kremlin Dmitry Peskov disse quinta-feira, de acordo com a Reuters. Ontem, Donald Trump convidou a Rússia para encontrar os 30.000 e-mails de Clinton que estão desaparecidos. Quem está falando na noite final da convenção democrata Hillary Clinton está pronta para entregar seu discurso na noite de quinta-feira na Filadélfia para aceitar formalmente a nomeação democrata 2016 para presidente e uma quantidade de funcionários eleitos, celebridades e americanos médios também são esperados para abordar a convenção. - Rebecca Shabad Conheça os delegados transgêneros na convenção democrata - A primeira pessoa abertamente transgênero a abordar a Convenção Nacional Democrata falará aos delegados na noite de quinta-feira. Heres o VÍDEO. Assange disse à CNN em uma entrevista que seu site tem muito mais material e pode liberá-lo, embora ele não identificaria a fonte do trove de hacked DNC e-mails publicados no último semana. Pouco antes do início da convenção democrata.- John Bat Chelsea Clinton vai testemunhar as credenciais de suas mães Depois de dias de endossos de celebridades, líderes eleitos e apoiantes apaixonados, Hillary Clinton será apresentado quinta-feira à noite pela mulher que a conhece simplesmente como mãe . O governador da Califórnia, Jerry Brown, fala no terceiro dia da Convenção Nacional Democrata em Filadélfia, em 27 de julho de 2016. Fechar Heres um cheque de fato da convenção democrata até agora - Revisa as alegações feitas pelo presidente Obama, o candidato do vice-presidente Tim Kaine e Donald Trump, entre outras. Dois ricos doadores oferecem recompensa para as declarações fiscais de Donald Trumps - Eles estão oferecendo vários milhões para uma instituição de caridade se o candidato presidencial do GOP liberar seus retornos de impostos. 26 de julho de 2016 - Dia 3 11:41 p. m. ET Nomeação presidencial democrata Hillary Clinton junta-se ao presidente Obama no palco para Stevie Wonders Assinado, selado, entregue. NÃO Autorização propriedade: NÃO Informação da imagem: Descrição da foto: O candidato presidencial Democratic Hillary Clinton vem no palco após o discurso do presidente Barack Obama na convenção nacional Democrática em Filadélfia, Pensilvânia, EUA 27 de julho de 2016. REUTERS / Lucy Nicholson Close 11:15 pm ET Hillary Clinton está back - Uma fonte familiar com seus planos confirma à CBS News. O candidato presidencial democrata está programado para entregar seu discurso de nomeação formal na noite de quinta-feira. 10:55 p. m. ET Presidente Obama começou seu discurso na noite de quarta-feira listando muitas de suas realizações em seus dois termos no escritório e dizendo que hes optimistic sobre o futuro dos countrys. Um monte aconteceu ao longo dos anos. E enquanto esta nação tiver sido testada pela guerra e pela recessão e todo o tipo de desafio - eu estou diante de vocês novamente esta noite, depois de quase dois termos como seu Presidente, para dizer que estou ainda mais otimista sobre o futuro da América do que nunca, ele disse. Convenção Nacional Democrática 2016 destaques Obama disse que após a pior recessão em 80 anos, déficits e desemprego caíram. Ele mencionou seu sucesso obtendo Obamacare passou e matando Osama bin Laden. Ele falou sobre fechar o programa de armas nucleares de Irans e relançar relações diplomáticas com Cuba. O presidente falou sobre a igualdade do casamento tornando-se uma realidade em todo o país. O presidente enfatizou que esta é uma eleição diferente de qualquer outra. É justo dizer, esta não é sua eleição típica. Não é apenas uma escolha entre partidos ou políticas dos debates habituais entre esquerda e direita. Esta é uma escolha mais fundamental - sobre quem somos como povo, e se permanecemos fiel a esta grande experiência americana de autogoverno, disse Obama. Na Convenção Nacional Republicana em Cleveland na semana passada, o presidente disse que os americanos ouviram uma visão profundamente pessimista de um país onde nos voltamos uns contra os outros e nos afastamos do resto do mundo. O presidente disse que há apenas um candidato com planos reais para quebrar as barreiras e que vai explodir através de tectos de vidro. Ele disse, é o próximo presidente dos Estados Unidos, Hillary Clinton. Ele então deu um endosso total de Clinton e apontou que Clinton sabe o que é como levar da Casa Branca. Você sabe, nada realmente o prepara para as exigências do Escritório Oval. Você pode ler sobre isso, você pode estudá-lo, mas até que você se sentou naquela mesa, você não sabe o que é como gerenciar uma crise global, ou enviar jovens para a guerra. Mas Hillarys estava na sala, ela foi parte dessas decisões, ele disse. É por isso que posso dizer com confiança que nunca houve um homem ou uma mulher mais qualificados do que Hillary Clinton para servir como presidente dos Estados Unidos da América. Ele tomou golpes em Donald Trump, dizendo que a América já é grande. A América já é forte. E eu te prometo, nossa força, nossa grandeza, não depende de Donald Trump. América não é sobre sim, ele vai. É sobre sim, nós podemos. E iriam levar Hillary à vitória neste outono, porque é o que o momento exige, disse Obama. Ele disse mais tarde: É por isso que quem ameaça nossos valores, sejam fascistas, comunistas ou jihadistas ou demagogos domésticos, sempre falhará no final. 10:32 p. m. ET O Departamento de Assuntos Políticos da Filadélfia departamento de relações públicas diz que um número de pessoas foram presas na quarta-feira mais cedo, quando eles acorrentado a um portão. Na quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2016, aproximadamente às 11h40, 10 manifestantes entraram no prédio da Comcast, localizado no 1701 JFK Boulevard, e encenaram um sit-in, enquanto dentro dos 10 manifestantes se acorrentaram com algemas flexíveis até um portão rolante. Aproximadamente às 12:40 pm, todos os 10 foram removidos do Comcast interior e emitido avisos de violação de código para obstrução e liberados sem mais penalidade. 10:04 p. m. ET Vice-presidente nomeado Tim Kaine. Senador da Virgínia, começou seu discurso observando que seu filho Nat havia se instalado dois dias antes no exterior para proteger e defender os próprios aliados da OTAN que Donald Trump agora diz que iria abandonar. Kaine aceitou formalmente a nomeação para ser vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos e contou sua história sobre o que o levou a uma carreira na política. Ele falou sobre seus esforços em justiça social e como ele levou um ano fora da faculdade de direito para se voluntariar com os missionários jesuítas em Honduras e, em seguida, ele falou em espanhol fluente. Ensinei soldagem e carpintaria para crianças. Aprendi os valores do povo - fe, familia, y trabajo. Fé, família e trabalho. Os mesmos valores da comunidade Latina aquiacute no nosso pais. Somos Americanos todos, disse ele. Ele disse que qualquer partido que nomearia Donald Trump para presidente se mudou muito longe de seu partido de Lincoln e que aqueles que procuram o partido de Lincoln, temos uma casa para você aqui no Partido Democrata. Hillary Clinton e eu somos compantildeeros del alma. Nós compartilhamos essa crença: Faça todo o bem que puder e sirva uns aos outros. Isso é sobre o que eu estou. Isso é o que você está sobre. Isso é o que Bernie Sanders é sobre. Isso é o que Joe Biden é sobre. Isso é o que Barack e Michelle Obama são sobre. E isso é o que Hillary Clinton é sobre, Kaine disse. Depois de aplaudir Bernie Sanders e provocando cantos de partidários Sanders, Kaine saiu do manguito e entregue sua melhor linha: Todos nós devemos sentir a Berna, mas todos nós não deve querer queimar pelo outro cara. Ele então começou a zombar de Donald Trump, tentando imitá-lo, argumentando que não confiava no candidato presidencial do Partido Republicano. Vai ser ótimo - acredite em mim Vai construir um muro e fazer o México pagar por isso - acredite em mim Vai destruir ISIS tão rápido - acredite em mim Não há nada suspeito em meus retornos de impostos - acredite em mim Por falar nisso, alguém aqui acredita que Donald Trumps tem pago sua parte justa de impostos Você acredita que ele deveria liberar esses retornos de imposto como todos os outros candidatos presidenciais na história moderna Claro que deveria. Donald, o que você está escondendo 9:43 p. m. ET O ex-prefeito de Nova York, Michael Bloomberg, entregou uma decepcionante tomada de Donald Trump e desafiou os eleitores independentes a ir às urnas e votar em Hillary Clinton em novembro. Estou aqui por uma razão para explicar por que é imperativo que nós escolhemos Hillary Clinton como o próximo presidente dos Estados Unidos, disse Bloomberg, que decidiu no início deste ano não lançar uma oferta presidencial de terceiros. Bloomberg disse que, embora haja momentos em que ele discorda de Clinton, Devemos colocá-los de lado para o bem do nosso país. Devemos unir-nos em torno do candidato que derrotará um demagogo perigoso. O ex-prefeito de Nova York Michael Bloomberg fala na Convenção Nacional Democrata em Filadélfia, Pensilvânia, EUA 27 de julho de 2016. REUTERS / Lucy Nicholson Fechar Ele disse que os EUA precisam de um presidente whos um solucionador de problemas como Clinton, e não um atirador de bomba Como Trump. Bloomberg disse que ele foi eleito prefeito de Nova York dois meses depois do 11 de setembro e elogiou os esforços de Clintons trabalhando em todo o corredor com republicanos no Senado para garantir que Nova York tivesse a ajuda necessária para recuperar e reconstruir. Trump disse que quer dirigir a nação como ele está administrando seus negócios. Deus nos ajude, disse Bloomberg. Im um New Yorker e eu conheço um con quando eu ver um. Bloomberg disse que o plano Trumps é um desastre em que as pequenas empresas teriam dificuldade em competir, que faria dano à economia dos EUA e que traria mais dívidas e desemprego. Eu sei que Hillary Clinton não é perfeita - nenhum candidato é, ele disse. Ela é a escolha certa e a escolha responsável nessa eleição. Hillary Clinton entende que esta não é a realidade da televisão. Esta é a realidade 9:24 p. m. ET vice-presidente Joe Biden primeiro falou sobre seu tempo trabalhando com o presidente Obama nos últimos oito anos. Ele é a personificação de honra, determinação e caráter, um dos melhores presidentes que já tivemos, disse Biden. Ele se tornou um irmão para Jill e para mim. Biden falou sobre seu filho Beau Biden, que morreu no ano passado de câncer no cérebro, e disse que em 2008, a América teve um vislumbre de um jovem incrivelmente bem. Ele disse que conheceu Hillary Clinton há mais de 30 anos e que eles serviram juntos no Senado e quando ela serviu como secretário de Estado, tomaram café da manhã juntos em sua residência uma vez por semana. O vice-presidente americano Joe Biden fala no terceiro dia da Convenção Nacional Democrata em Filadélfia, Pensilvânia, EUA. 27 de julho de 2016. REUTERS / Mike Segar Fechar Falando sobre filha e netas, eleger Clinton como presidente mudará suas vidas. Há apenas um, apenas uma pessoa nesta eleição que irá ajudá-lo, disse ele, acrescentando que Clinton está sempre lá, shes sempre esteve lá e assim tem Tim Kaine. Biden então despedaçou Donald Trump. Ele está tentando nos dizer que ele se importa com a classe média. Me da um tempo. Isso é um monte de malarkey Biden disse. Esse cara não tem idéia sobre a classe média, nem uma pista. Donald Trump, com toda a sua retórica, literalmente nos tornaria menos seguros, disse ele, acrescentando que os EUA não podem eleger um homem que belittles seus aliados e abraça ditadores como o presidente russo Vladimir Putin. Biden anunciou em outubro passado que não iria entrar na corrida presidencial democrata de 2016. Desde então, ele lançou uma iniciativa moonshot para tentar encontrar uma cura para o câncer e para melhorar o cancro teste e tratamento. 8:47 p. m. ET O ex-secretário de Defesa e diretor da CIA Leon Panetta disse que ele trabalhou com nove presidentes diferentes - tanto republicanos e democratas. Posso dizer-lhe que, nesta eleição, há apenas um candidato a presidente que tem a experiência, o temperamento e o juízo para ser comandante-em-chefe. Isso é Hillary Clinton. Não é hora de jogar com o nosso futuro, disse Panetta. Como diretor da CIA, ele disse que trabalhou com Clinton no governo Obama e disse que era um forte defensor de nossos esforços para proteger nossa pátria, dizimar a Al Qaeda e trazer Osama bin Laden à justiça. Ele ressaltou que, no período que antecedeu a invasão de Bin Laden em 2011, ele apresentou a inteligência ao presidente Obama e outros altos funcionários que estavam céticos. Hillary estava claro, nós tivemos que ir atrás de Bin Laden, ele disse, que acrescentou que as forças de operações especiais enviaram uma mensagem clara ao mundo, Que ninguém ataca os Estados Unidos da América e fica longe com ele. Delegados no chão começou a cantar, Não mais guerra Panetta aludiu ao convite Trumps quarta-feira de manhã para a Rússia para rastrear e hackear Hillary Clinton 30.000 e-mails pessoais desaparecidos de seu mandato como secretária de Estado. Donald Trump está pedindo que um de nossos adversários se envolva em hackers, disse ele. É inconcebível para mim que qualquer candidato presidencial seria tão irresponsável. Donald Trump não pode se tornar nosso comandante-em-chefe. 8:37 pm O Reitor Aposentado John Hutson, que foi um republicano de toda a vida antes de 2008, disse que Donald Trump não sabe nada sobre lei e ordem apesar de alegar ser um candidato a lei e ordem. Hutson disse que Trumps convite na quarta-feira de manhã para a Rússia para rastrear Hillary Clintons 30.000 e-mails excluídos como secretário de Estado não é lei e ordem, isso é intenção criminosa. Donald Trump é um cartaz de recrutamento para terroristas, que fala andando, disse ele. Hutson disse que os EUA precisam de um comandante-em-chefe que mantenha o país seguro, forte e seguro. Escolha Hillary, ele disse. A ex-deputada Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, que sobreviveu ao tiroteio de Tucson em 2011, disse que aprendeu no Congresso que mulheres fortes conseguem fazer as coisas. Hillary é dura, Hillary é corajosa, ela vai lutar para tornar nossas famílias mais seguras. Na Casa Branca, ela vai se levantar para o lobby de armas. É por isso que estou votando por Hillary, disse Giffords. Giffords disse que falar é difícil, mas acrescentou: Come January, eu quero dizer estas duas palavras: Madame Presidente O que as crianças fazem como presidente Essa é a pergunta CBS News Mo Rocca posou para as crianças na Filadélfia durante a convenção. Erica Smegielski, filha de uma vítima do massacre de Sandy Hook em 2012, abordou a convenção sobre a necessidade de combater a violência armada. Sobreviventes de últimos anos atirando em Charleston, Carolina do Sul estão falando agora. 7:59 p. m. ET O ex-secretário de Defesa e diretor da CIA, Leon Panetta, referenciará diretamente os comentários de Donald Trumps sobre a Rússia e os hackers nos e-mails internos dos comitês nacionais democratas durante suas observações na noite de quarta-feira. Ele ajustou seu discurso na parte da tarde. Ele fala sobre 8:30 p. m. ET, relatórios CBS News Steve Chaggaris. O senador Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, disse estar furioso com a falta de ação em Washington para combater a violência armada. Em três anos desde Sandy Hook. O Congresso republicano não fez absolutamente nada para evitar o próximo massacre, disse Murphy, que recentemente liderou um filibuster do Senado de 15 horas que protestava contra o silêncio do Partido Republicano sobre a violência armada. Murphy disse que em Trumps primeira hora no escritório, ele iria reverter salvaguardas contra a violência armada que já estão no lugar. Christine Leinonen, cujo filho Christopher morreu no mês passado no tiroteio de Orlando, diz que foi em seus filhos DNA que o amor sempre supera o ódio. Christopher era um grande apoiador da Hillary. É por isso que estou aqui, ela disse. Disse que a arma que matou seu filho dispara 30 círculos em um minuto. Im glad that common-sense gun policies were in place the day he was born, but where was that common sense the day he died 7:39 p. m. ET California Gov. Jerry Brown said, Make no mistake, climate change is real. Brown said at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week, Donald Trump failed to address the issue in his 76-minute speech. Trump conjured up a host of dark threats, but never once mentioned the words climate change or global warming, Brown said. Trump says global warming is a hoax. I say Trump is a fraud. Trump says theres no drought in California. I say Trump lies. He endorsed Hillary Clinton in May. Brown ran against President Bill Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 1992. Brown said that Clinton is prepared to combat climate change and lead a clean energy revolution. 7:31 p. m. ET Hillary Clintons and Bernie Sanderss former rival, Martin OMalley just addressed the convention urging voters to back the former secretary of state and to ensure that Donald Trump isnt elected president. Its time to put a bully racist in his place, said OMalley, who previously served as governor of Maryland. 4:33 p. m. Tim Kaine nominated for vice president by acclamation. 4:08 p. m. Donald Trump talks about the propriety of campaigning during the Democratic convention: He told voters in Scranton, Pennsylvania that people have complained about his campaigning during the Democrats week. Some have said, he noted, Mr. Trump, what are you doing Youre not supposed to be campaigning today, adding, Youre breaking all the rules.. Guess what folks, were campaigning. Were campaigning. He brought up Hillary Clintons name, to loud chants of Lock her up, lock her up. You know what were going to do. even better. were going to beat her, he said. 2 p. m. Tim Kaine checks out the stage at the convention. mdash Senator Tim Kaine (timkaine) July 27, 2016 12:45 p. m. Clinton campaign responds to Trumps suggestion that Russia should find the 30,000 missing emails : This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent, Clinton Press Secretary Jake Sullivan said in a statement. Thats not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue. Donald Trump responds to DNC hacking claims -- suggests Russia should find the 30,000 emails that are missing, weighs in on minimum wage : Trump to Russia: I hope youre able to find the emails I have nothing to do with Russia, Trump said again at Trump Doral golf course in Miami, where he held a news conference Wednesday morning. Russia, if youre listening, I hope youre able to find the 30,000 Clinton emails that are missing, Trump said. Some 30,000 Clinton emails with personal information about things like her daughters wedding were deleted. The FBI was able to retrieve thousands of the mails. He also called for a 10 per hour federal minimum wage -- it was the most definitive hes ever been on the issue. On the topic of the classified briefings he and Hillary Clinton will be entitled to as the nominees of their respective parties, Trump said Clinton shouldnt receive the briefings, given the controversy over her private email server. Donald Trump cant clearly explain his position on the minimum wage - Donald Trump claimed Tuesday that Bernie Sanders lied about the GOP nominees position on the minimum wage, but then he failed to clearly articulate his stance. Wow, that was really a lie. He said that I want to do go less than minimum wage. This is a new one because Im the one Republican that said in some cases we have to go more than minimum wage but what I like is states, Trump said in an interview on Fox News The OReilly Factor. -- By Rebecca Shabad Obama hints Russians may have had a motive for hacking DNC: President Obama on Tuesday didnt rule out the idea that the Russians hacked into internal emails at the Democratic National Committee in order to influence the U. S. presidential election this November. Anythings possible, Mr. Obama said in an interview with NBC News Savannah Guthrie. -- By Rebecca Shabad President Obama will be counting on Hillary Clinton to build on his legacy -- hes come a long way since 2000 . when he decided to go to the Democratic convention at the last minute, but his credit card was declined at the airport car rental counter, and he couldnt even get a floor pass to watch, reports Julianna Goldman. Donald Trump denies he has any ties to Russia and campaign chairman Paul Manafort tells CBS This Morning that Trump has no financial relationship. 81 Photos Democratic National Convention 2016 highlights What to watch Wednesday : President Obama, Joe Biden and Tim Kaine address the convention tonight, and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will endorse Clinton tonight, too. Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, campaigns for her mother at Denizens Brewing Company in Silver Spring, Maryland on April 21, 2016. Close Chelsea Clinton challenges Ivanka Trump on equal pay for women Chelsea Clinton challenged her friend, Ivanka Trump Tuesday to ask her father how he would fight to promote rights for working women.-- Reena Flores July 25, 2016 - Day 2 Hillary Clinton appears in video at DNC And there goes the glass ceiling. Clinton appeared on a giant screen at convention via remote from Chappaqua. Hello, Philadelphia. we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. And then, addressing any of the little girls out there watching, she added, I may become the first woman president, but one of you is next. 11:08 p. m. ET Hillary Clinton will appear at the convention via satellite remote, according to a Democratic source. 11:00 p. m. ET What does it take to be the first female anything asks Meryl Streep, after a sleekly-produced video of Hollywood stars singing Rachel Plattens Fight Song -- the de facto Clinton 2016 anthem -- plays for the crowd. Hillary will be out first female president, Streep says to cheers. And she will be a great president. 10:50 p. m. ET Bill Clinton again praises Hillary Clinton as a change-maker who could make any place in the world better. Hillary will make us stronger together, Clinton says before wrapping up. You know it because shes spent her whole life doing it. Full speech: Former president Bill Clinton addresses the DNC 10:49 p. m. ET More updates to the protests outside the convention center. During former President Bill Clintons speech, protesters seemed to try blocking delegates from exiting. in response, police in riot gear converged just inside the convention perimeter. In Philadelphias downtown, some Sanders supporters headed to protest outside of city hall, according to CBS News Jacqueline Alemany. 10:40 p. m. ET Bill Clinton notes that Hillary Clinton won the New York Senate seat once occupied by Robert Kennedy, and talks about her efforts to help servicemen and women as a member of the armed services committee. He also describes her as a tireless advocate for rural areas of the state. After her 2008 campaign, Clinton says Hillary was hesitant to become secretary of state because she loved being a senator. He then talks about her efforts to secure sanctions against Iran, says she helped prevent a full-blown war between Hamas and Israel, pushed for actions against climate change, and worked to empower women and children and LGBT people all around the world. Clinton also gave Hillary credit for stemming the ravages of AIDS in Africa. And he says that he has a much better understanding of his wife than the GOP does -- his version of Hillary is real, while theres is made up. a cartoon alternative. 10:34 p. m. ET Clinton talks about Hillary Clintons tenure as first lady of Arkansas, and how she was instrumental in reforming the states education system. Shes a change maker, he says. Thats what she does. 10:15 p. m. ET Former President Bill Clinton begins his speech by reminiscing about how he met Hillary in Law School. He recalls her becoming a Democrat in college, and her commitment to civil rights. Always making this better, he says of Hillarys work at the time. Clinton then brought up the story of how he discouraged Hillary from marrying him, and instead recommended that she ran for office, before convincing her to join him Arkansas, where she started a legal aid clinic. He says she agreed to marry him on his third proposal after he purchased a little house she liked. 10:03 p. m. ET Speaking just before former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Hillary Clinton is equipped to lead the United States at a critical time on the international stage. This fall, we must do everything we can to make sure that Hillary becomes our next commander in chief, because in this era with these threats we need a leader who has the experience and judgment to keep America strong, secure and safe, she said. I know Hillary Clinton will be that president because I have known her for more than 25 years, because I have seen her fight and win for our country and for causes that count. She also slammed GOP nominee Donald Trump, saying he has already harmed the United States reputation abroad just by running for president, let alone winning. Many have argued that Donald Trump would harm our national security if he were elected president. The fact is that he has already done damage just by running for president, she said. The truth is that a Trump victory in November would be a gift to Vladimir Putin, Albright added. Take it from someone who fled the Iron Curtain: I know what happens when you give the Russians a green light. 9:53 p. m. ET Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar spoke about Clintons work as secretary of state to fight against human trafficking--the first of a series of speakers to highlight Clintons tenure at the State Department. Klobuchar told the story of a 12-year-old girl in Minnesota who was kidnapped sold into sexual slavery, stressing that human trafficking isnt just something that happens outside U. S. borders. Thats why as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton took the international report on trafficking, the ones that nations use to improve their prosecutions, and she made our country accountable, she said. She added the United States of America to that list because she knows that if we are going to be a beacon for the world, then we have to get our own house in order. Clinton, she said, is a leader who knows we are all more secure when women and girls have the opportunity to lead with their heads high and their strides strong. 9:27 p. m. ET Supporters of Bernie Sanders lead a walkout from the convention floor after Hillary Clinton officially became the partys nominee, CBS News Reena Flores reports : About 25 protesters refused to move from the floor of the media tent. After police cordoned off access to the space, over a hundred more congregated outside. The demonstrators linked arms, duct-taped their mouths shut to signify their votes had been silenced at the convention, and held up signs with phrases like The revolution continues and DemExit. Supporters of former Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders link arms after they walked out of the convention in protest after Hillary Clinton was nominated at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. July 26, 2016. REUTERS/Charles Mostoller Close 9:24 p. m ET After a speech by New York Rep. Joseph Crowley lauding Hillary Clintons role helping first responders -- including those in Crowleys family -- Elizabeth Banks returned to introduce a video highlighting Clintons fight for government health care in the 1990s. 9:13 p. m. ET Lauren Manning, a 9/11 survivor who was badly wounded during the attacks, says Hillary Clinton with me as she fought to get better. I trusted her when my life was on the line, and she came through. Not for the cameras, not because anyone was watching, but because thats who she is. Kind. Caring. Loyal, Manning said. This is the Hillary Clinton I want you to know. She was there for me. Thats why Im with Her. 9:05 p. m. ET Actress Debra Messing spoke about the September 11th attacks, introducing a video starring NYPD officer Joe Sweeney, who credits Hillary Clinton with helping first responders in the years after 9/11. According to Sweeney, Clinton stood up to the EPA, becoming first responders champion in Congress. Time and again, Secretary Clinton has kept her promises, Sweeney said. 8:49 p. m. ET Actresses Lena Dunham and America Ferrera arrive on stage to mock Donald Trump. Dunham, a longtime Clinton supporter, thanked Clinton for pushing for protections for sexual assault victims, while Ferrera said that she was proud of her immigrant parents. Donalds not making America great again, Ferrera said. Hes making America hate again. 8:41 p. m. ET Planned Parenthood chief Cecile Richards took the stage after a short video was shown mocking Donald Trumps record when it comes to womens rights. According to Richards, Clinton will always stand up for Roe v. Wade and the right of every woman to access a full range of reproductive health care, including abortion, no matter her economic status. She also says defunding Planned Parenthood, which Donald Trump has promised to do, would imperil womens lives. 8:18 p. m. ET Scandal star Tony Goldwyn spoke briefly about his work with the Innocence Project before introducing the Mothers of the Movement, whose children were all killed by police or died in police custody. A video further introducing the women showed them praying with and listening to Hillary Clinton before embarking on a speaking tour. The video ended with Clinton praying in a circle with the women, all of whom are women of color, as gospel music played. As the Mothers of the Movement took the stage, the crowd began chanting Black Lives Matter. Im here with Hillary Clinton because she is a leader and a mother who will say our childrens names, Geneva Reed-Veal, the mother of Sandra Bland, told the crowd after listing the names of multiple other women who had died in police custody. 8:06 p. m. ET Former attorney general Eric Holder just advocated for better relations between police and communities of color, and for improved race relations. He said that Republican-backed voter ID laws were reminiscent of Jim Crow. And in an explicit dig at Donald Trump, he also insisted several times that America is already great. 8:02 p. m. ET Elizabeth Banks introduced a second Fights of Her Life video, this one focusing on Hillary Clintons efforts to promote social justice. The video highlighted Clinton stands against racism and mass incarceration, and prominently featured her Christian faith. Injustice isnt something you tolerate, the narrator intoned. Its something you fight. 7:52 p. m. ET Donna Brazile, the incoming interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman, said she met Hillary Clinton as a 22-year-old at the Childrens Defense Fund. As long as shes in charge, were never going back, and thats why Im with her Brazile said. We will have a party that you can be proud of and we will elect Democrats up and down the ballot, she added about serving as the DNCs interim chairwoman through the election. 7:37 p. m. ET Actress and Hillary Clinton supporter Elizabeth Banks just entered the stage and tried to mock Donald Trumps dramatic entrance to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week. 7:30 p. m. ET Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, who served with Hillary Clinton in the Senate and is expected to be the next Senate Democratic leader, said Hillary understands what middle class families need better than anyone, he said. I worked by her side for eight years. Schumer said that as president, Clinton would protect womens rights, voting rights and undo that awful decision Citizens United, ensure equal pay for women, pass comprehensive immigration reform and give every student a shot at a quality education. 7:27 p. m. ET Former President Jimmy Carter speaks to the convention via a video message in which he says this election will define for a generation who we are as a nation and as a people. Carter encouraged young people to stay engaged and to turn out to vote. Hillary Clinton has my support and I know she will also have yours. A united Democratic Party will prevail in November, Carter said. 6:53 p. m. Hillary Clinton is the official Democratic nominee. 6:50 p. m. The roll call vote ends with Vermont, whose delegates first passed in the alphabetical vote order to allow Sanders to speak in support of Hillary Clinton. The Vermont senator spoke next: Madame Chair, I move that the convention suspend the procedural rules, he said. I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic party for president of the United States. 6:39 p. m. Hillary Clinton secures the required number of votes in roll call to secure the Democratic nomination. South Dakota was the state to put Clinton over the top. She has received 2,395 delegate votes so far, more than the 2382 needed. 5:40 p. m. In a touching roll call moment, Larry Sanders, the brother of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders tears up as he reports the Democrats Abroad vote. The Vermont senator also became emotional as his brother said their parents would be proud of his campaign. 5:23 p. m. The roll call vote kicks off at the Democratic convention. 5:15 p. m. Clinton backer and Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski nominates Hillary Clinton for to be the first female president. Georgia Rep. John Lewis and others give their own addresses backing Clinton. 5:00 p. m. Sanders supporter and Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard nominates Bernie Sanders for president of the U. S. to cheers in the arena. Other delegates add their nominating speeches. The crowd roars its approval with every successive second. Sanders smiles from his seat. 4:31 p. m. Democratic convention gavels in, beginning the second day of the convention. USA Freedom Kids manager is suing Donald Trump The preteen girl group charmed Trump supporters in Pensacola, but the relationship with the campaign soured 3:29 p. m. ET At tonights roll call vote, Hillary Clintons campaign has released a list of the three people who will formally nominate her on the convention floor. Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski will be the first to nominate Clinton, per the campaign her nomination will be seconded by Georgia Rep. John Lewis and Nailah Amaru, a professor, immigrant and Iraq combat veteran who won the Clinton campaigns online contest to nominate the candidate on stage. Democratic convention sets up 5 of bathrooms to be all-gender Democratic convention planners are doing everything they can to make the LGBT community comfortable in Philadelphia -- including access to transgender bathrooms. CBS News has the latest updates from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Follow along with our live-blog here: 11:52 a. m. ET The U. S. believes that people working for the Russian government are behind the hack of internal emails at the Democratic National Committee. officials confirmed Tuesday to CBS News. A U. S. intelligence official told CBS News that the signature of the breach is Russian and the U. S. government has identified methods and techniques used by Russia in past hacks that mirror those used in the DNC incursion. Another U. S. official told CBS News that the Obama administration believes Russian state actors are behind the leak. We dont have any question about that, the official said, adding that the hackers left all kinds of fingerprints. 11:49 a. m. ET Former President Bill Clinton will headline the convention Tuesday evening. Other speakers will include mothers who lost their children to gun violence, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer as well as actors Tony Goldwyn, America Ferrara and Lena Dunham. 10:53 a. m. ET Sanders may officially nominate Clinton . The Sanders and Clinton campaigns are in talks about the possibility of having Bernie Sanders officially nominate Hillary Clinton at the end of Tuesday nights roll call, CBS News Steve Chaggaris confirmed, citing a Democratic source familiar with the negotiations. The talks were first reported by NBC News. Joaquin Castro doesnt rule out challenging Ted Cruz for Senate in 2018. he told CBS This Morning. Im going to take a look at it in 2018. Ill take a look at that and other opportunities. Ive never been somebody whos said in two years, I absolutely need to run for senate or governor, Castro said. Both brothers appeared on CBS This Morning. On CBS This Morning, Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta praised Bernie Sanders . saying he went a long way to unify Democrats and heal divisions in the Democratic party. WillRahn wrote a column about how those angry Democratic delegates could decide the 2016 presidential race . Yes, the speeches were good on the first night of the convention, but the grassroots antipathy for Hillary Clinton could give this thing to Donald Trump. Former Democratic U. S. presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders thrusts his fist in the air as he arrives to speak during the first session at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. July 25, 2016. Close Bernie Sanders dominated Google searches last night. with First Lady Michelle Obama coming in second -- and the 2010 Supreme Court decision on Citizens United also saw a 650 percent spike in searches. July 25, 2016 11:09 p. m. ET Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vermont, spent the first half of his speech taking a victory lap for the presidential campaign he ran and didnt mention Hillary Clintons name until at least 10 to 15 minutes into his speech. Sanders reminded the convention that he received 8 million individual campaign contributions that averaged 27 a piece. Bernie Sanders delivers remarks at the DNC look forward to your votes during the roll call on Tuesday night, he said. I understand that many people here in this convention hall and around the country are disappointed about the final results of the nominating process. I think its fair to say that no one is more disappointed than I am. But to all of our supporters - here and around the country - I hope you take enormous pride in the historical accomplishments we have achieved. He said that this election is not about Clinton or Donald Trump, but about the kind of future we create for our children and grandchildren. He said that the Americans need leaders who dont insult Latinos, Muslims, women, black people and veterans. By these measures, any objective observer will conclude that - based on her ideas and her leadership - Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States. The choice is not even close, Sanders said. Sanders emphasized that Clinton will nominate justices to the Supreme Court who are prepared to overturn Citizens United and that she supports the idea of having all Americans having the right to choose a public option in their healthcare exchange. It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and I disagree on a number of issues, he said. Our job now is to see that platform implemented by a Democratic Senate, a Democratic House and a Hillary Clinton presidency - and I am going to do everything I can to make that happen. Sanders said he has known Clinton for 25 years and served with her in the Senate. Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her here tonight, he said. 10:39 p. m. ET Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, went on the attack Monday evening, targeting Donald Trump in her speech and warning what would happen to the U. S. if hes elected president. Warren said that Trump has spent a lifetime cheating people, skipping out on debts and he only cares for himself every minute of every day. Sen. Elizabeth Warren makes speech at DNC Im with Hillary, Warren said, which provoked some people in the crowd to chant, We trusted you Warren praised Clinton for being one of the smartest, toughest, most tenacious people on this planet. She said that Democrats proposed on Capitol Hill to end tax breaks for corporations, but Republicans rejected it and Democrats proposed raising the federal minimum wage and Republicans rejected that, too. To every Republican in Congress who said no, this November, the American people are coming for you, she said. She said that Trump must never be president of the United States. Weve got the leaders to make it happen -- Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, she said. Warren said that Trump thinks he can win votes by fanning the fears of hatred and turning neighbors against each other. She added that Trump selected Mike Pence, who is famous for trying to make it legal for openly discriminating against gays and lesbians. Thats Donald Trumps America, she said. Lets work our hearts out to make Hillary Clinton the next president of the United States 10:15 p. m. ET First lady Michelle Obama delivered a passionate speech Monday night about her support for Hillary Clinton for president and why Donald Trump would not be qualified for the presidency. She began by talking about her two daughters, Malia and Sasha, and how concerned she was when they first entered the White House in 2009, explaining that the experience could truly make or break them. Obama said she urged them to ignore those who questioned their fathers citizenship or faith -- a reference to Donald Trump. She said that she and President Obama emphasized that hateful language in the U. S. Michelle Obama unites a divided Democratic convention When it comes to bullies, she said theyve told their children, You dont stoop to their level. Our motto is, When they go low, we go high. I am here tonight because in this election, there is only one person who I trust with that responsibility, only one person who I believe is truly qualified to be president of the United States, Warren said. That is our friend, Hillary Clinton. I trust Hillary to lead this country because I have seen her life-long devotion to our nations children. Taking a jab at Bernie Sanders supporters, the first lady said when Clinton didnt win the Democratic nomination in 2008, She didnt get angry or disillusioned. Hillary did not pack up and go home because as a true public servant, Hillary knows that this is so much bigger than her own desires and disappointments. Obama added, Hillary clinton has never quit on anything in her life. She said that the presidency is more than 140 characters and not for the thin-skinned. I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves, said Obama, who emphasized that now young girls will now think its possible to achieve anything. Hitting Donald Trump, she said, Dont let anyone ever tell you that this country isnt great and that we need to make it great again. This right now is the greatest country on earth. 9:43 p. m. ET Freshman Sen. Cory Booker, D-New Jersey, said that this election is a referendum on who best embodies the leadership we need to go far, together. Donald Trump is not that leader, said Booker, who then listed all of the times Trump has insulted people such as when he mocked the physical disability of a reporter at The New York Times and questioned Sen. John McCains, R-Arizona, reputation as a war hero. Sen. Cory Bookers moment to shine at DNC Booker, who was vetted as a possible vice presidential running mate for Clinton, said that the U. S. cant devolve into a nation where people just tolerate each other. We are not called to be a nation of tolerance. We are called to be a nation of love. Tolerance says I am just going to stomach your right to be different. That if you disappear from the face of the earth, I am no better or worse off, he said. But love - love knows that every American has worth and value, no matter what their background, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Love recognizes that we need each other, that we as a nation are better together, that when we are divided we are weak, we decline, yet when we are united we are strong - invincible 9:27 p. m. ET Paul Simon is now performing his classic, Bridge Over Trouble Water. 9:22 p. m. ET Comedienne Sarah Silverman, a Bernie Sanders supporter, said she will proudly support Hillary Clinton for president. Hillary is our Democratic nominee and I will proudly vote for her, Silverman said. She praised Sanders for the movement he created and pushing Democrats to adopt a more progressive platform this year. Delegates on the floor began chanting, Bernie, Bernie. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minnesota, who joined Silverman on stage, started chanting Hillary, Hillary. Silverman chanted, Unity, unity. Silverman then delivered the line of the night so far: To the Bernie or bust people, you are being ridiculous. 9:12 p. m. ET Anastasia Somoza just addressed the convention. Shes a wheelchair bound child of immigration who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia when she was born. She slammed Donald Trump for his treatment of people with disabilities and said that Hillary Clinton stands up for people like her. Donald Trump has shown us who he really is. And I honestly feel sorry for anyone with that much hate in their heart. I know we will show each other, and the world, who we really are in November - when we choose genuine strength and thoughtful leadership - over fear and division. Donald Trump doesnt see me, he doesnt hear me, and he definitely doesnt speak for me, said Somoza, who then received a standing ovation from delegates in the convention hall. She interned for Clinton in the Senate and on her 2000 campaign for Senate. Her biography says she first met President Bill Clinton at a 1993 town hall meeting for kids. 8:57 p. m. ET Sen. Al Franken, D-Minnesota, a former comedian for NBCs Saturday Night Live, spent half of his convention speech Monday night cracking jokes and then he got serious. Im Al Franken: Minnesotan, Senator, and world-renowned expert on right-wing megalomaniacs: Rush Limbaugh, Bill OReilly, and now Donald Trump, he began, explaining that he received a doctorate in megalomania studies from Trump University. Franken said that Trump Universitys School of Ripping People Off is ranked second in the nation behind Bernie Madoff University. The pride of Trump University, of course, is its library, located on a shelf in a closet on the third floor of Trump Tower, he said. Franken then got serious and said that he has known Hillary Clinton for 25 years and said he has never met anyone smarter, tougher or more ready to lead us forward. He warned that a lot is at stake in this election and that voters must turn out in November -- something he knows is critical from his own experience. When we wake up Friday morning, there will be just 102 days left until the election. And what you - yes, you - do in those 102 days could determine who wins. I mean that literally. I won my first race for the Senate by 312 votes, he said. You have work to do. Get on those phones. Knock on those doors. And tell em Al Franken sent you. 8:50 p. m. ET Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York, who succeeded Clinton in the Senate, warned Monday that Donald Trump would be dangerous and harmful for American families and that only Clinton stands up for them. The choice in this election couldnt be clearer If you believe in the values that have always made us great--if you believe in keeping America great--then support Hillary Clinton, Gillibrand said. She said that Clinton will bring workplace policies out of the Dark Ages and out of the Mad Men era. Were the only industrialized nation that doesnt guarantee workers paid family leave. Many women cant even get a paid day off to give birth. Most parents work outside the home, yet child care can cost as much as college tuition. Families rely on womens income, but we still dont have equal pay for equal work. This makes no sense, because we know that when families are strong, America is strong, she said. 8:39 p. m. ET Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pennsylvania, slammed Donald Trump for outsourcing the manufacturing for many of his products. The man who wants to make America great doesnt make anything in America, he said. Donald Trump says he stands for workers and they hell put America first, but thats not how he conducted himself in business. Where are his tremendous Trump products made Dress shirts - Bangladesh. Furniture - Turkey. Picture frames - India. Wine glasses - Slovenia. Neck ties - China. Why would Donald Trump make his products in every corner of the globe but not in Altoona, Erie or here in Philadelphia. Casey said that voters can either vote for Trump, whos only out for himself, who wants to get rid of the federal minimum wage and cut taxes for the wealthy, or he said you can vote for Clinton, who he said will fight for an economy for everyone. 8:08 p. m. ET A young girl named Karla Ortiz just addressed the convention about Hillary Clintons immigration plans and how she fears that her parents could be deported at any moment. Earlier this year, she told Clinton about that fear in person and the Clinton campaign released a video capturing the moment. She received rousing applause Monday night as she stood next to her mom, Francisca Ortiz, an undocumented immigration living in the U. S. who then addressed the convention in Spanish. 8:00 p. m. ET Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, the only U. S. senator to have endorsed Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary cycle, told delegates that they must help elect Hillary Clinton as president in November. Make sure that next January on the west steps of the Capitol, it is Hillary Clinton that we are celebrating as the next president of the United States of America, he said. Merkley praised Sanders for galvanizing a grassroots movement that he said should continue after Novembers election. Working together, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have forged the most progressive platform in our partys history, he said. 7:50 p. m. ET Pop singer Demi Lovato told the convention that she lives with mental illness and was fortunate enough to receive and afford treatment for it. We can do better. Everyone of us can make a difference, Lovato said. I urge every politician to support laws that will provide better healthcare and support for everyone. Lovato said she has been able to live a normal and empowered life living with mental illness and said that Hillary Clintons proposed policies can help improve treatment for people like her. Lets make her the next president of the United States of America, said Lovato, who then performed her hit song, Confident. 7:46 p. m. ET Speaking about criminal justice issues, singer Alicia Keys said Monday night that she appreciates Hillary and Bill Clintons admission that many of the Clinton administrations actions on criminal justice reform in the 1990s were a mistake. Its obvious that that was a mistake--its a big mistake, and you know if we can admit to our mistakes thats the beginning, she said at an event hosted by Politico in Philadelphia. Keys, who is an advocate on criminal justice issues, added shes hoping to hear from Clinton this week about how to fix the problems the U. S. justice system faces. The question is not only admitting to the mistake, but what are we going to do about it she said. And that is what I want to hear from her. 7:36 p. m. ET Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, delivered a rousing speech in support of Clinton. Hillary is the most qualified person to run for president in my lifetime, Weingarten said. She slammed Donald Trumps hate and bigotry and said that all of the GOP nominees plans, like his businesses, are completely bankrupt. She praised Clinton for proposing to make public universities free for working families. 7:20 p. m. ET Former President Bill Clintons primetime speech may not be until tomorrow night, but hes already in Philadelphia. His spokesman confirmed hes in town and is working on his speech. 7:07 p. m. ET Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta took the stage, giving a nod to Sanders and his supporters on a day when frustration among the Vermont senators supporters was running high. To everyone who supported Sen. Sanders, this is your victory too, he said. Podesta noted that hes known Sanders for decades, praising his impact on the primary: Ive known Bernie since I was a young staffer for Sen. Pat Leahy and he was mayor of Burlington, he said. He stood up to the special interests and fought to give working people a fairer economy and a bigger say. And those are the same values that he brought to this campaign and our party and our country are better for it. 81 Photos Democratic National Convention 2016 highlights 6:50 p. m. ET Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy slams the Republican nominee and his No. 2 pick: With the Trump-Pence ticket, its like a contest to see who can discriminate more. 6:30 p. m. ET Police arrest protesters demonstrating with a sit-in near an entrance to the Wells Fargo Center on the first day of the Democrats national convention. 6:00 p. m. ET Delegates vote on the Democratic partys platform, which many speakers at the convention praised Monday as the most progressive in its history. The platform passes via voice vote. Supporters of former US Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders hold a giant inflatable joint calling for the legalization of marijuana during a rally at City Hall in Philadelphia on July 25, 2016, as Democrats gather to formally anoint Hillary Clinton as their candidate for the November presidential election at the Democratic National Convention. Close Marijuana activists march with 51-foot joint during DNC - Among the protesters hitting the streets in blazing 90-degree temperatures were marijuana activists toting a 51-foot joint from City Hall to the Wells Fargo Center. Were here to let the DNC know that we want them to legalize cannabis federally, and we want it descheduled, not rescheduled, Mary Beth Degray, a registered medical marijuana patient, told CBS News. -- CBS News Jennifer Earl 5:50 p. m. ET Ben Jealous, a Sanders delegate and former NAACP head, takes to the stage to urge a vote for Hillary Clinton. 5:45 p. m. ET Even as the Democratic convention kicks off, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump scores higher Facebook interactions than presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, according to Facebook . 5:42 p. m. ET No TPP chants continue as Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, talks about civil rights and his late father. 5:19 p. m. ET Sanders delegates are chanting, We are not for sale. Maine State Sen. Diane Russell, a Sanders supporter, addressed the crowd in an attempt to unify Democrats. We are all in this together, and we will all have a voice in the Clinton administration, she declared. 5:02 p. m. ET DNC apologizes to Sanders - The DNC issued a statement offering a deep and sincere apology to Senator Sanders for the inexcusable remarks made over email. These comments do not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process, the statement read. The DNC does not -- and will not -- tolerate disrespectful language exhibited toward our candidates. Individual staffers have also rightfully apologized for their comments, and the DNC is taking appropriate action to ensure it never happens again. 4:50 p. m. ET Democratic National Convention chair Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, tells the convention floor: I am excited to put Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine in the White House. Though Fudge received applause, she was also greeted by loud booing and some vocal protesters. Delegates sing the National Anthem at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. July 25, 2016. Close After some shouts of Bernie Bernie from the convention floor, Fudge urges respectful dissent: I intend to be fair. I want to hear the varying opinions here. I want to be respectful of you. And I want you to be respectful of me. We are all Democrats, said the newly minted convention chair. And we need to act like it. 4:30 p. m. ET Despite urgings from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders towards party unity, the Clinton and Sanders campaigns continue to worry about convention floor disruptions from delegates still upset over the recent Wikileaks emails. reports CBS News Hannah Fraser-Chanpong. Earlier in the afternoon, Sanders sent out a signed text message to his delegates that read: I ask you as a personal courtesy to me to not engage in any kind of protest on the floor. Its of utmost importance you explain this to your delegations - Bernie. Sanders also planned to send out an email to underscore the need for unity. Also, the Clinton and Sanders campaigns have merged their floor whip teams in order to present a united front on the floor of the convention. Sanders supporter and former CEO of the NAACP Ben Jealous will be among the Sanders surrogates deployed to the Sanders to try to urge against raucous displays, reported Fraser-Chanpong. 4:18 p. m. ET Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake takes the stage and gavels in the start of the four-day Democratic National Convention. In a moment of levity, the mayor called the convention to order and walked away from the podium, seemingly forgetting that she hadnt hit the gavel. Realizing her mistake, Rawlings-Blake ran back and slammed the gavel down. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, left, shakes hands with vice presidential candidate Gov. Mike Pence, R-Ind. during a town hall, Monday, July 25, 2016, in Roanoke, Va. Close Donald Trump: They said, Debbie, youre fired Trump weighed in on Wasserman Schultzs woes from the campaign trail in Roanoke. I always knew she was highly overrated, he said. Não é bom. But she just got fired, Trump said. They said Debbie, youre fired. Wasserman Schultz, he said, worked very hard to rig the system. Little did she know that China, Russia. came in and hacked the hell out of us. I guarantee theyll find the 33,000 emails. Al Gore may not be at the convention . but he says hes voting for Clinton. I am not able to attend this years Democratic convention, but I will be voting for Hillary Clinton. (1/3) DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla. speaks during a Florida delegation breakfast, Monday, July 25, 2016, in Philadelphia, during the first day of the Democratic National Convention. Close 1:41 p. m. Debbie Wasserman Schultz will not gavel the convention to order when it officially begins at 4 p. m. ET, according to the Florida Sun Sentinel. I have decided that in the interest of making sure that we can start the Democratic convention on a high note that I am not going to gavel in the convention, Wasserman Schultz told the Sentinel. Why Bernie Sanders supporters booed at his rally Bernie Sanders received cheers from supporters in Philadelphia when he mentioned Debbe Wasserman Schultz was resigning, which, he said opens up the possibility of new leadership. But he earned his own boos . when he told supporters, We have got to defeat Donald Trump, and we have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. 12:40 p. m. First Lady Michelle Obama will be talking tonight about the role of the president in the lives of our children -- on making sure they have the opportunities available to fulfill their potential. Shell talk about why Hillary Clinton is the leader to carry this out, according to a White House official. -- Mark Knoller, White House correspondent, CBS News The FBI is investigating a cyber intrusion involving the DNC and are working to determine the nature and scope of the matter. A compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously, and the FBI will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace, the agency said in a statement. Wikileaks posted the emails Friday, but didnt reveal the identity of the hackers. Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook is theorizing that Russians who want to help Donald Trump are to blame. He cited Washington Post and New York Times stories that suggested that experts said Russian state actors infiltrated the DNC and gave the information to Wikileaks. I think it is concerning that we saw last week that Donald Trump changed the Republican platform to make it more friendly to Russia, Mook said at a briefing in Philadelphia today. He implied that Russia would be interested in helping Trump because Clinton would be tougher on Russia than the GOP nominee would be. 11:07 a. m. ET Donald Trump said Sunday that the proposal to suspend immigration from any nation compromised by terrorism is actually an expansion of his plan to block Muslims from entering the U. S. In an interview on NBCs Meet the Press, the GOP presidential nominee was asked to clarify what he meant in his speech accepting the nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week and if it was actually a rollback. Eu não penso assim. I actually dont think its a rollback. In fact, you could say its an expansion. Im looking now at territory. People were so upset when I used the word Muslim. Oh, you cant use the word Muslim. Lembre-se disso. And Im okay with that, because Im talking territory instead of Muslim, Trump told Meet the Press host Chuck Todd. 11:04 a. m. ET Sen. Cory Booker, D-New Jersey, sat down for an interview with CBS This Morning Monday morning in Philadelphia and discussed Wasserman Schultzs resignation, unifying the Democratic party, Tim Kaine as Clintons running mate and more. Booker, a freshman senator who previously served as mayor of Newark, was vetted as a potential vice presidential running mate. 10:55 a. m. ET First lady Michelle Obama, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, Sen. Cory Booker, D-New Jersey and Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vermont, are among the major speakers scheduled to address the convention Monday evening. Sanders is expected to speak in the 10 p. m. hour as broadcast networks begin their primetime coverage of the convention. Sanders formally endorsed Clinton at an event in New Hampshire earlier this month, a while after Clinton clinched the nomination in early June. The speakers the rest of the week will include President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and of course, Clinton. 10:49 a. m. ET Debbie Wasserman Schultz was booed Monday morning by members of her own delegation. Protesters shouted at one point, Shame Shame Shame during the Florida delegations breakfast. This comes after she announced Sunday afternoon that she plans to resign as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee at the end of the four-day convention. The convention is off to a rough start after 20,000 internal DNC emails were leaked over the weekend, which raised questions about the impartiality of the Democratic primary process. July 24, 2016 A giant puppet of Bernie Sanders is carried as protesters march against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, ahead of the Democratic National Convention, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. July 24, 2016. Close Extreme heat doesnt keep Bernie Sanders supporters from hitting the streets in Philadelphia. Thousands of demonstrators took to Philadelphias sweltering streets Sunday, cheering, chanting and beating drums in the first major protests ahead of the Democratic National Convention. as the city wilted during a heat wave. Throngs of Bernie Sanders supporters marched down a main thoroughfare to show their support of him and disdain for Hillary Clinton ahead of the convention. Jeff Pegues reports on the security ramp-up in the City of Brotherly Love in advance of the convention. Thirty-five-thousand to 50,000 protesters are expected each day. The city has purchased more than 250 million in insurance to cover potential damage and another 5 million in case any of the citys 6,000 police officers is sued. The Democratic ticket: Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine talk with Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes -- In the interview, Clinton talked with Pelley about her response to the GOP chants last week of lock her up, lock her up, and Kaine told him why he believes hes ready to be VP. and president, if necessary. Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Resignation as DNC chair announced just before convention begins. She announced Sunday afternoon that she will resign from her leadership position at the end of her partys convention in Philadelphia this week. This comes after 20,000 leaked emails brought into question the impartiality of the Democratic primary process. Donna Brazile will take over as interim chair. United Nations Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change Michael Bloomberg speaks during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Close Billionaire media mogul Michael Bloomberg will endorse Hillary Clinton during a prime time speaking slot at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia this week, a spokesperson for Bloomberg confirmed to CBS News. Though Bloomberg hasnt been a registered Democrat since the year 2000, he is expected to address the partys four-day gathering on Wednesday -- the same day President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will speak. 10:45 a. m. ET In a clip that aired Sunday morning on Face the Nation , Hillary Clinton and her VP pick Tim Kaine say they wont engage in the insult fest favored by rival Donald Trump. Tune in to CBS 60 Minutes tonight to catch the Democratic tickets first joint interview. July 23, 2016 10:00 p. m. ET The Democratic conventions rules committee voted on the creation of a commission to address superdelegates and caucus reform in the future. It passed, according to CBS News Kylie Atwood. 6:00 p. m. ET Efforts to rid the Democratic primary process of superdelegates failed at a meeting of the DNCs rules committee, reports CBS News Kylie Atwood. Five amendments -- one seeking to abolish the superdelegate system entirely, others attempting to tweak it in some way -- on the topic were proposed, voted upon, and ultimately defeated at the Saturday meeting. Still, all the amendments gathered enough votes that delegates could force a vote on the convention floor later in the week. 1:29 p. m. ET Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton made it official Saturday: Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine will be her running mate on the general election ticket. Of her chosen No. 2, Clinton said: Tim Kaine is everything Donald Trump and Mike Pence are not. Democratic U. S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton arrives on stage to name U. S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) as her vice presidential running mate during a campaign rally in Miami, Florida, U. S. July 23, 2016. Close He is qualified to step into this job and lead on day one, she said. He is a progressive who likes to get things done. Thats just my kind of guy. Kaine, when he took the stage, gave his thanks. Im feeling a lot of things today, he said. Most of all gratitude. Im grateful to you, Hillary, for the trust youve placed in me, Kaine said. Showing off his fluency in Spanish, Kaine added that he and Clinton were compantildeeros de alma in this great lucha ahead -- Soul mates in this great fight ahead. Clinton and Kaine will appear on CBS 60 Minutes in their first joint interview. Scott Pelley will conduct the interview, which will be broadcast Sunday, July 24 (7-8 p. m. ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. copy 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Democratic 038 Republican National Conventions Held at the Cleveland Metropolitan Board Association, special guests were: Congresswoman Susan Brooks (R-Indiana) Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin) Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn of Wood County, OH Comedian Gary Owen Erin Helms, Ohio Recovery Housing Cindy Koumantzis, Ohio Change Addiction Now Lori Criss, Ohio Council of Behavioral Healthcare and Family Service Providers Craig DeRoche, Justice Fellowship amp Prison Fellowship Mike Garcar amp Wendy Hunter, Quest Recovery Prevention Services Tom McHale, Northern Michigan Substance Abuse Services Joey Supina, Sandusky Artisans Recovery Community Center Phil Micali, Brain Fitness Coalition Dr. Jeanette Moleski Dr. Stephen Friedhoff These guests joined experts, delegates and advocates to highlight solutions to the addiction crisis and rally for the cause of addiction support. Watch the taped feed here . Then in Philadelphia, Facing Addiction hosted an Educational Caucus for Addiction Solutions at the Democratic National Convention. Hundreds of people and many of our Action Network partners turned out to attend this events, as did Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), former Congressman Patrick Kennedy, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Delaware Governor Jack Markell, New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray and Dr. Arthur Evans. These guests joined experts, delegates and advocates to highlight solutions to the addiction crisis and rally for the cause of addiction support. Watch the taped feed here:

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